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afterschool faq 

  • How does the HeyCurated Afterschool program work?
    HeyCurated collaborates with schools around in NYC and LA to help design their afterschool programs, and connects freelance teaching artists to teach these classes. This is a great way to gain valuable classroom experience and collaborate with other teaching artists.
  • What kinds of teaching roles are available?
    We offer both Lead and Assistant teaching roles. All teachers must be able to commit to scheduled weekly afternoon classes. Both lead and assistant teachers are paid a flat rate per class session. Rates vary based on the type, size, and duration of the class. Lead teachers develop lessons and curriculum to create an engaged and joyful classroom environment. For certain classes (such as arts and science-based classes), teachers will also provide supplies to students for experiments and projects. Assistant teachers manage classroom behavior so that the lead teacher can focus on moving the lesson plan forward. Assistant teachers take photos of activities and upload them in a weekly post report. Assisting is a great opportunity to train under a lead teacher and gain valuable classroom experience.
  • What are classes like? What types of classes are offered?
    Classes typically have between 6-14 students, and the general vibe should be engaging and fun! Think movement activities (regardless of the class subject), simple experiments, acting games, and lots of arts and crafts. You don't need to be an expert in a subject to teach it- as long as you're excited about it, students will be too! Class subjects include STEM, Dance, Chess, Harry Potter, Arts & Crafts, and more!
  • What is the time commitment for classes?
    Classes take place once a week at their schools, and typically last between 75-90 minutes. Teachers should plan to arrive at least 15 minutes ahead of class to set up the classroom and gather the kids, and may be expected to stay a few minutes after class to help with dismissal. Teachers can commit to 1-5 classes a week (one per afternoon). Teachers must be able to commit to weekly classes for the entire semester (8-14 weeks depending on the school). All class dates are given in advance of the semester for assigned classes.
  • What are teachers paid?
    Pay will vary depending on the teaching role and the class. But overall, lead teachers are paid between $65-75 per class session, while assistant teachers are paid between $40-45 per class session. These rates are per-diem all inclusive. For lead teachers, this rate includes planning and report time, teaching time, and a material stipend. For assistant teachers, this includes teaching and report time.
  • How can I apply?
    If you're interested in becoming a teaching artist with HeyCurated, fill out this application to get started!
  • What background checks or clearances are required for teaching artists?
    As an independent teaching artist with HeyCurated, and as part of teaching in a professional school setting, teachers are required to complete a background check by Sterling Talent Solutions, our current third-party background check provider, or any other provider we may designate. Some schools require additional fingerprinting, clearance and training to comply with the NYC Department of Health and/or the NYC Department of Education requirements. HeyCurated covers the cost of these screening processes. If required by your school, you will be informed of how to complete these requirements.
  • What will my first day of class be like?
    The first day of class is exciting for both teachers and students alike! Here are some tips to ensure a smooth and successful first day: Some schools have specific policies regarding arrival times or check-in procedures, which HeyCurated will communicate by email prior to the beginning of the semester. Be sure to bring a valid photo ID for front desk security. Connect with your co-teacher (Lead or Assistant) earlier in the day. Plan to meet in front of the school so that you can check-in and head to the classroom together. For your first day, it is recommended that you arrive 20-25 minutes before class starts so that you can check in, find your classroom, and set up for class!
  • How do I contact the HeyCurated team?
    For any urgent needs or questions or if you are running late to class, you can text or call the HeyCurated number: (646)-450-2750 This will ensure your message gets to a member of our team ASAP! Please save this number in your contacts as HeyCurated. For non-urgent needs or questions, you can email or write it in your weekly Post Report.
  • What should I bring to class?
    Lead teachers are repsonsible for providing curriculum and all materials for class. Please do not use materials already in the classroom. These belong to the school/regular teachers and are not to be used during afterschool. When planning classes, lead teachers should carefully consider material cost and reusability. For example: How many different projects can an art class do with construction paper? How can baking soda be used to perform different experiments for a STEM class? What recycled materials from home might be useful for classes, such as paper towel rolls, bottle caps, or egg cartons? Here are a few resources for finding class materials: New York Public Library An excellent resource for sourcing children’s books for activities and storytimes. Reusable materials: Look around your apartment for reusable materials.. Can those paper towel rolls be used for a marble run experiment in STEM? Can your pasta boxes be used for a craft? Can old magazines be used in the Improv Theater class you teach? Get creative!! Dollar stores, discount stores, and thrift stores often have affordable school supplies such as markers, crayons, paper, workbooks, and art materials. You can sign up for Michael’s Rewards program to have access to coupons or shop their seasonal sales and get 50-75% off art supplies. For some classes in which materials are difficult to source and transport, such as Gymnastics or LEGO, either HeyCurated or the school will lend materials to teachers, to be stored at the schools.
  • What is a Post Report?
    Most Afterschool related questions, comments, or feedback should be communicated through the weekly Post Report. Teachers are required to submit a quick Post Report via Google Form after each week of classes. You can submit one post report for multiple classes. We recommend that lead teachers save a link to the Post Report as a bookmark on their phone so that it is easily accessible. A reminder will also be emailed to you at the end of each week. The purpose of the Post Report is to: Share successful moments and upload photos/videos Communicate any issues encountered during class (e.g. problems with space, behavioral challenges with students, feedback on assistant teacher) Ask questions or share concerns regarding your class Provide feedback to help HeyCurated maintain a high quality afterschool program
  • What are the expectations for creating and submitting lesson plans?
    Lead teachers are responsible for creating lesson plans for each class or a class outline planning out activities for several weeks or the entire semester of class. These should be sent via email to Jasmine ( at least 2-3 days ahead of class. Templates and samples for lesson plans and class outlines can be found here.
  • What time should I arrive to class?
    Plan to arrive at the school 15-20 minutes ahead of each class session. This will give you ample time to check in with security, pick up your ID tags and class rosters, pick up your students (if applicable), and get set up for class. Building in this extra time will give you a buffer in case you run into any commute issues. Schools expect teachers to have their students in the classroom by the class start time, so early arrival is a must. Being late to class more than 2 times may result in a reevaluation of your teaching assignment.
  • What do I do if I book a gig that conflicts with class, or if I have a vacation planned in advance?
    Teachers are expected to attend all class dates they have committed to. Any conflicts with class dates must be submitted via the Requested Dates off & Emergency-Call Outs Form or they will be counted as an unexcused absence. Requested days off must be given before the semester begins or at least one full week in advance, so that we may find a substitute. If you request more than 2 days off during the current afterschool session, we may have to re-evaluate your teaching assignment. Lead teachers must provide a lesson plan for any missed class dates.
  • What do I do if I'm running late?
    Teachers are expected to arrive a minimum of 15 minutes prior to the start of any class in order to check in and set-up for class. Arriving late causes disruptions at the school, reflects poorly on the teacher and programming team, and typically results in the school notifying the director. Being late to class more than 2 times may result in a reevaluation of your teaching assignment. If you anticipate being late to class, take the following steps: Inform HeyCurated/Curated Care by texting or calling (646)-450-2750 so that we can quickly troubleshoot and inform school administration. Please save this number into your phone as Curated Care so that you can contact us quickly Text your lead teacher/assistant teacher (if applicable) to inform them you'll be late, providing an estimated time of arrival.
  • What if I have an emergency and cannot make it to class?
    Last-minute or unexpected call outs are disruptive to school administrators and students. Schools rely on afterschool teachers to supervise students during after school hours. Two last minute, unexcused absences may result in a reevaluation of your teaching assignment. As soon as you know you will be unavailable for a class, follow these steps: Submit your emergency call-out by filling out the Requested Dates off & Emergency-Call Outs Google Form. Inform HeyCurated/Curated Care by texting or calling (646)-450-2750 as soon as you are aware you won't make it to class, this is particularly important as we will need to find you an urgent substitute, inform the school, and send the necessary paperwork to them. Please save this number into your phone as HeyCurated or Curated Care so that you can contact us quickly Text your lead teacher/assistant teacher (if applicable) to inform them you will not be in class due to an emergency.
  • How do I get paid for classes?
    HeyCurated’s pay period runs bi-weekly and paydays are on each Friday following the end of the pay period. Teachers should submit their invoices to the director via a Google Form, sent out to teachers via email each pay period. Each invoice should be submitted as a PDF and must include: Your name, address, phone number, and dates of the pay period Class information (class name, school name, class dates) Teacher rate (agreed upon prior to the beginning of the semester) Total pay Here is a helpful video to watch that explains how to create & submit your invoice in the Google form: HeyCurated Invoice Submission Tutorial Teachers will be paid via direct deposit through our payroll provider program Gusto. Bi-weekly pay statements can be viewed electronically via your Gusto portal. Do not submit invoices through the Gusto portal. If you are a new teacher and do not have a Gusto account, you will be sent a sign up link to create your account before your first pay period deadline. If you have not received your deposit within five business days please notify our programming team so we can investigate the issue.
  • How soon can I expect to receive payment after submitting an invoice?
    Payment is dispensed the Friday after the end of the pay period. For example: if you submitted an invoice for the pay period ending on Sunday, January 7th, you would receive payment via direct deposit on Friday, January 12th.
  • What do I do if I forgot to invoice for the pay period?
    We cannot process invoices submitted after the deadline for each pay period. If you miss the deadline, you will need to wait until the next invoice submission period opens to submit your hours for both the missed period and the current one.
  • What should I do if there is an issue with a student during class?
    If an issue arises during class, please communicate it to the school immediately after class. Then, document the issue in your post-class report or send more details to the HeyCurated team via email. If needed, you can also request an observation, pending availability, to help address any recurring challenges.
  • What should I wear to teach class?
    Both Lead and Assistant Teachers should arrive appropriately dressed and presentable to every class. The dress code for most schools is business casual, so be mindful of how you present yourself for each class. Teachers set an example for kiddos, so come dressed for success! Teachers should plan to wear: Comfy, moveable clothes that you will be able to get up and down from the floor in No ripped pants or overly-revealing clothing (be mindful of dress/skirt/short length) No yoga pants or skin-tight pants No t-shirts featuring inappropriate language or symbols Pants, slacks, or professional-looking jeans and a t-shirt, plus sneakers or flats is a great option!
  • What should teachers know about meeting school expectations?
    Each school sets their own policies as to arrival times, dress code, Covid protocols, dismissal procedures & more. HeyCurated will communicate school-specific policies and expectations with you via email prior to the beginning of the semester, and keep you updated on any changes. If you are unsure of what is expected in any aspect of your responsibilities, dress, communication style, or behavior, please reach out to HeyCurated. We will be happy to get answers to any questions you may have.
  • What if there is an emergency during class?
    Each school has their own emergency protocols. HeyCurated will communicate these protocols prior to the beginning of the semester. In the event of an emergency or safety concern, please contact school administration immediately. Most classrooms have a phone in which teachers should use to contact school administration, and they will provide you with the appropriate extension to contact them.
  • What is the food and drink policy?
    Some schools will provide snacks for students to eat before or at the beginning of class. HeyCurated and individual schools will communicate snack specific policies with you by the first day of classes. Do not bring food, drink, or candy to hand out to students without approval from HeyCurated and school administration. Unapproved foods can potentially pose allergy and dietary risks, or religious restrictions to students. This includes any food items used for lessons/activities.
  • What is the social media policy?
    We would love for you to take photos of your class! Children’s faces are not allowed in photos on social media, but feel free to take pictures of projects and the children as long as their faces are not clearly shown and the children are otherwise not identifiable. You can upload them in your Post Report. We will be able to send them back to the school administration!
  • What is the electronics policy?
    Phones and laptops should be put away during class time unless they are necessary for an activity, such as playing music for dance classes or coding on a laptop, or for quick time checks and taking photos. Make sure your phone is on silent mode and your ringtone is muted. Text tones and phone calls will disrupt class.
  • What is the snow day/class cancellation policy?
    In the event of a Snow Day or class cancellation, the school will notify us and we will notify you. Please note that in most cases teachers are not compensated for snow days or other events out of our control that cancel class.
  • What is the COVID-19 policy?
    Please refer to current CDC guidelines for guidance regarding COVID-19 testing and exposure. If you test positive, please notify us immediately so we can determine next steps.
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